Making Cheese at Home: 5-Minute Cheese Spread

Imagine this: It’s the holiday season, and you’ve just hosted a cheese pairing party (pat on the back to you!). Guests are gone and as you clean up, you realize you’re left with bits and pieces of the delicious cheese offerings your guests left behind. Good news! Instead of tossing them in the trash, you can actually save those delightful cheese morsels for a tasty, spreadable snack for later.

Inspired by Judy Barbe’s Fromage Fort, you can make a cheese spread in less than five minutes with whatever cheeses you have on hand – Swiss, cheddar, parmesan, Gouda and blue all do the trick, and the options are endless! And yes, even that little bit of shredded cheese you have buried in your refrigerator works too. In fact, blending different flavors leaves you with an elegant spread you’ll swoon over. Better yet, you’re reducing food waste – as it’s estimated Americans waste 30 to 40% of edible food – so let’s put those delicious cheese leftovers to good use while helping our planet.

How to Use Your Cheese Spread

  • Serve with whole grain crackers, crusty breads and veggie sticks
  • Spread over toasted bagels, adding lox and capers for extra flair
  • Add to your next cheese board
  • Take your grilled cheese to the next level
  • Freeze in an airtight container for up to six months

Tools You’ll Need

  • Knife
  • Cutting board
  • Food processor
  • Spatula


  • 1-2 garlic cloves
  • ½ pound shredded and/or diced cheese, with wax and rinds removed
  • 1-2 tablespoons white wine (a mix of stronger cheeses pair well with an oaky chardonnay; milder cheeses do well with a crisp pinot grigio, sauvignon or fumé blanc)
  • Generous dash of cayenne
  • Generous dash of paprika


  • In a large food processor, pulse together garlic and cheeses until cheeses start to blend but remain in coarse chunks.
  • Add wine, one tablespoon at a time, as well as spices. Blend until you reach a desired consistency.
  • Serve immediately or chill in the refrigerator until you’re ready to eat. Garnish with whatever fresh herbs you have on hand.



Pictured: shredded parmesan, mild cheddar, extra sharp white cheddar and pepper Jack


Check out more #DairyAmazing recipes, like this homemade ricotta cheese.

By Sarah Ryan, MS, RDN, LD

Sarah is a registered dietitian nutritionist and foodie. She has a special interest in sports nutrition and is certified in food allergy training. When she isn't working, you can find her in the kitchen baking delicious cakes and beautiful pies. Learn more about Sarah

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