Fuel Up to Play 60

Gear Up for the Fuel Greatness Breakfast Campaign

All kids need access to a healthy breakfast for the nutrients and energy to learn in school, but millions of students aren’t getting this important meal! Students can’t concentrate or learn when they’re hungry, and studies show that children who skip breakfast are at an academic disadvantage. 

School breakfast ensures affordable access to this important meal - and the Fuel Up to Play 60 Fuel Greatness campaign helps increase school breakfast awareness through the Breakfast Games. 

Top 3 Reasons to Fuel Greatness with School Breakfast

From the time the alarm sounds to the time you wrangle your kids into their clothes (and maybe, just maybe, you had the chance to make sure your own clothes actually matched); there’s rarely the time to cook them a healthy breakfast as well – especially if your kids don’t feel like eating just after they wake up.

That’s where school breakfast comes in. A balanced meal full of nutrient-rich dairy, whole grains and fresh fruit served a little later in the morning can have a major impact. Here’s how.