
5 Ways Milk Can Help Boost Your Immune System

Our immune systems can help protect us from getting sick – and promote healing when we are sick. But they need quality fuel to work properly. Milk is a staple food many of us already have in our fridges as a handy ingredient in coffee, smoothies, baking and so much more, as well as a drink by itself. It’s also something dietitians refer to as “nutrient dense,” meaning it gives you a lot of nutrients for relatively few calories.

5 Surprising Things You Should Know About School Meals

Today’s schools are embracing food trends like sustainability, farm-to-table and scratch-cooking to meet the growing demands of Gen Z foodie-approved meals and snacks. On top of that, the nutrition found in a school meal is often better quality and more well-rounded than a typical meal from your favorite restaurant. Surprised? Keep reading for more ways schools are serving up Ws.

3 Keys to Parfait Your Way to Better Digestion

Did you know some dairy foods are good for digestion? Yogurt is known not only for its smooth texture and tangy flavor, but also for its digestive benefits – and parfaits are a scrumptious way to support this important function while also getting your recommended three servings of dairy every day. 

By using these three simple steps to pair yogurt with other nutrient-dense foods, you can parfait your way to better digestion.  


1. Prepare Your Base 

Greek Yogurt 

Meet Andy Cheshire: The Chocolate Milk Champion, Expert and Educator

Sports nutrition has always been a big part of my life. My journey into the discipline started as a kid playing soccer for my dad. He was our coach and a former soccer athlete who played competitively for the U.S. junior team, so every game we would always get a sports drink and a pack of my favorite soft chew candy on the way to the game.


Revisiting Dairy and Saturated Fats: Unveiling New Frontiers in Nutritional Science

The realm of nutritional science is an ever-evolving space, full of transformative research and insights. Steadfast beliefs about the effects of saturated fats on cardiovascular health – particularly fats found in dairy foods – have encountered a new understanding that challenges what people previously perceived as negative.


8 Irresistible Recipes to Heat up Your Summer Grilling

“Dear burgers: You’re so barbe-cute.” 


While a good cheeseburger is one of my family’s favorite summer entrees, the sky is the limit when it comes to firing up the grill. 


Whether you’re planning regular backyard get-togethers with your “grill friends” – pun intended – or preparing an irresistible menu for the many summer holidays that call for outdoor grilling (Father’s Day is right around the corner!), we’ve pulled together some amazing recipes.

