Animal Care

Dairy Up Close: New Dairy MAX Docu-Series

Only 2% of the population grows the food for the other 98% of us, leaving many of us to wonder how our food is produced, and who is behind it?

June is National Dairy Month, and what better way to celebrate than getting up close to some real dairy farm families? Dairy MAX is launching a new mini-documentary series that follows the lives and stories of five local dairy farm families. The series showcases the real-life challenges dairy farmers face, with an inside look at how they care for their cows and protect the environment. 

Frequently Asked Questions on Dairy Farm Tours

The closest most people have been to visiting a dairy farm is shopping for their favorite milk, cheese, yogurt or ice cream. After all, farmers and ranchers who grow food only make up about 2% of the U.S. population. But no matter how disconnected you might feel, the truth is that most of us live within 100 miles or less from a local dairy farm.

Creative Ways Farmers and Vets Care for Cows

There’s a saying among dairy farmers that if you take care of your cows, your cows will take care of you. That outlook has been passed down for generations, and dairy farmers today maintain the same commitment to cow care. The high-quality, wholesome and nutritious dairy foods we buy at the grocery story are available because farmers make sure their cows are always comfortable and healthy.

Why Dairy Farmers Take Great Care of Their Calves

Dairy farmers are busy people. They work hard 365 days a year to bring us the delicious milk and dairy foods we enjoy! And although the farm-to-table story is one of the most natural food processes out there, there are several steps farmers take to ensure a wholesome product. But out of all the steps, any dairy farmer will tell you that animal care is the most important.

The Evolution of Dairy Farming

For those of us who remember life without cell phones, or even those who experienced the introduction of the first iPhone, we can’t imagine life without them. We don’t go anywhere without a smart device in our pocket. But we didn’t just wake up one day with the latest technology at our fingertips. Years of research and improvement got us where we are today, and the same is true for dairy farming.

The Story of Dairy: Where You Purchase Your Milk

Our fifth and final stop in the journey of milk from the farm to the table is the place where you buy your milk and dairy foods. This is the part of the journey that ultimately ends with delicious milk, cheese and yogurt on your dinner table and in your refrigerator. And that means the journey of milk ends with you – yes, you have a role to play in keeping milk safe and fresh!

The Story of Dairy: Transporting Milk

Our third stop in the journey of milk from the farm to the table is milk transportation from farm to plant and plant to store.

On the dairy farm, equipment pumps milk directly from the milking cows to a refrigerated storage tank, where it is quickly cooled to preserve freshness and safety. It is important to note that milk never touches human hands, which is just the beginning of the many food safety measures in place to protect your milk from farm to fridge.

5 Ways Dairy Farmers Practice Sustainability

Have you ever asked yourself what makes you get out of bed in the morning? It might be your family, friends, job, passion or a combination of them all! Dairy farmers are no exception: they work 365 days a year to bring us the milk, cheese, yogurt and ice cream our families love! If you ever wonder what motivates dairy farmers, sustainability and their love for the land are two things that drive them day in and day out. Since 95% of dairy farms in the U.S. are family-owned, these efforts guarantee passing the farm to the next generation.