
What Foods Are In Season – and Why Does It Matter?

Ever heard about grocery shopping “in season”? Ever wondered what that really meant? Most fruits and vegetables seem to be available all year round – not just canned and frozen, but fresh! So what is seasonal or “in season” eating, and what are the benefits?


What does “in season” mean?

Seasonal eating means eating food during the time of year it naturally grows. For instance, berries in the summer and pumpkins in the fall.

Dairy Up Close: New Dairy MAX Docu-Series

Only 2% of the population grows the food for the other 98% of us, leaving many of us to wonder how our food is produced, and who is behind it?

June is National Dairy Month, and what better way to celebrate than getting up close to some real dairy farm families? Dairy MAX is launching a new mini-documentary series that follows the lives and stories of five local dairy farm families. The series showcases the real-life challenges dairy farmers face, with an inside look at how they care for their cows and protect the environment. 

Sustainable Sweets: Make MELT’s “Peachy Keen” Ice Cream at Home

Ice cream is a sweet treat that can be enjoyed in a variety of ways: on a cone, in a bowl or even between two cookies. For all the dessert lovers, it’s especially delicious alongside a warm slice of cake or pie. Whichever way you prefer, you can always grab a pint at your nearest grocery or convenience store. But if you decide to make it yourself, you can take advantage of fresh, seasonal ingredients to create sustainably sourced scoops in your own home.

Summertime Activities: Creative #DairyAmazing Crafts

Growing up, my favorite part of summer was going to camp. Every year I would look forward to playing in the river, sleeping outside, cooking over a fire and spending time at one of my favorite places, the craft cabin. For many kids, this summer is unlike any other – with summer camps canceled and regular activities – like going to the pool – much harder (or impossible) to do. And many parents, like myself, are looking for things for my kiddo to do.

Cutting the Cheese: Creative Uses for Leftover Dairy Foods

Today, families are buying in bulk at the grocer more than ever before. But while bulk buying allows for fewer trips to the store, it also increases the risk of food expiring. 

Do you have leftover dairy foods like cheese, yogurt or buttermilk in the fridge that you’re looking to use before they expire? Check out our favorite tips to make the most of your leftover dairy products: 


Real Talk: Cow Poop

Manure happens on dairy farms – or any type of farm for that matter; it’s just a part of the process to get wholesome, nutritious dairy foods to your table! But did you know cow poop is part of a larger sustainability story? Dairy farmers are the original stewards of the environment and constantly work to manage resources and protect the land – even using manure for years to practice sustainability before it was even a word!

Frequently Asked Questions on Dairy Farm Tours

The closest most people have been to visiting a dairy farm is shopping for their favorite milk, cheese, yogurt or ice cream. After all, farmers and ranchers who grow food only make up about 2% of the U.S. population. But no matter how disconnected you might feel, the truth is that most of us live within 100 miles or less from a local dairy farm.