Dairy Farming

4 Modern Milking Parlor Designs

We all know milk comes from cows. Some of us even think chocolate milk comes from brown cows. All jokes aside, how does the milk get from cows to our table?

“That’s easy!” you say. “You squeeze the udder and milk comes out!” While this is true, the days of dairy farmers pulling up a stool to milk cows one at a time are long behind us. This was a tedious, yet rewarding task, and dairy farmers have new technology that allows them to feed our growing world!

3 Ways Farmers Go High-Tech

What do dairy farmers have in common with Silicon Valley? They’re highly innovative, and have been bringing sophisticated technology onto the farm long before it was the cool thing to do! Farmers today are using a range of technologies to improve animal welfare, environmental conservation and production efficiency. Here are three ways dairy farmers are going high-tech, farming well ahead of the curve.

A Day in the Life of a Dairy Veterinarian

Each morning, Dan Kullot rises well before the sun. As he pours a cup of coffee into a travel mug, he takes a moment to think about the day ahead. Kullot, known as Dr. Dan, is the veterinarian at Westside Dairy in Syracuse, Kansas.

When you picture a veterinarian, you may think of someone wearing a white lab coat, with a stethoscope around their neck. However, jeans, a hat and muck boots became the uniform of choice for Dr. Dan when he chose to work in a dairy and milking parlor over a veterinary clinic in town!

Are Farms Fading? These Organizations Are Keeping Them Alive

The world’s population continues to grow. There’s an increased demand for food. Yet fewer farm-grown individuals are returning to dairy farms to carry on the family tradition.

Fortunately, through new sustainable practices, the latest technology, and programs like the U.S. Dairy Education and Training Consortium (USDETC), many dairy farmers are working to combat the hurdles aspiring farmers face, while encouraging the next generation of sustainable dairy farmers.

Quotes About Farming from Four Presidents and a Prince

“The farmers would count themselves lucky, if they only knew how good they had it,” wrote Virgil, the ancient Roman poet, around 29 B.C. Well, actually it was more like “O fortunatos nimium sua si bona norint, agricolas,” but you get the idea.

Dairy farming goes back thousands of years in human history. While we can’t confirm that Virgil was a dairy farmer, here are five great farming quotes from leaders both modern and historical who owned dairy cows.