
Dieting with Dairy: Dairy Linked to Weight Management

Looking to lose weight? Just looking to avoid gaining any? Then don’t skip the milk – even if you’re worried about calories.

Calories Aren’t the Enemy

Truth is, calories aren’t evil; calories are simply units of energy, and most of us need about 2,000 of them every day.

The Real Calorie Problem

For most of us, it is eating more calories than we burn. When we aren’t paying attention to our internal cues that help us know when to eat and when to stop eating, overeating is easy to do.

Do Dietitians Really Just Eat Salad?

5 Things You May Not Know About Us

It always fascinates me how people feel obligated to comment on what I’m eating. As a dietitian, I understand that I’m modeling healthy behaviors. But I also understand variety and moderation, and judging me by one meal out of the roughly 99,000 meals I’ll eat over a lifetime is a little harsh. So I want to give a little insight into the lifestyle of a dietitian. Maybe you’ll find some healthy habits to embrace, and maybe you’ll allow yourself a little extra leeway.

9 Ways to Fight Diabetes with Dairy

Type 2 diabetes affects nearly 34 million American adults, accounting for nearly 95% of all diagnosed cases of diabetes. As of 2018, more than 10.5% of the American population had diabetes. Total direct medical cost of diagnosed diabetes in the United States was $237 billion.

But not all news is bad on the diabetes research front. Several recent studies indicate that eating and drinking more dairy may lower your risk of type 2 diabetes.