
4 Steps to Clean Out Your Diet with Clean Out Your Refrigerator Day

4 Steps to Clean Out Your Diet with Clean Out Your Refrigerator Day

If you dread cleaning out your refrigerator, finding those unidentifiable foods forgotten months ago and making a big trip to the supermarket to restock, don’t despair. Clean Out Your Refrigerator Day is November 15th and the perfect opportunity to fill your refrigerator with nutrient-rich foods that give you and your family the best nutritional value for your dollar.

Have Your Cake for Breakfast: Blueberry Delight

Creativity is something we are supposed to nourish as a parent, right? Sometimes I feel that my daughter is really here to nourish my own creativity. The breakfast requests I have received from her this week are birthday cheese and cinnamon sprinkles. Keep in mind she is 2 … so who knows what birthday cheese is. I gave her some Gouda and sang her happy birthday.

The Easiest Budget Black Bean Burger

I love a juicy hamburger with melted cheese, mushrooms and a little bit of mustard. It’s delicious. As a registered dietitian nutritionist, I also want to make sure to feed my family lots of veggies. The The 2015-20 Dietary Guidelines for Americans encourages a diet rich in whole grains, fruits, vegetables, and low-fat or fat-free dairy. Research shows that a diet rich in these food groups can help prevent chronic disease.

Milk Your Budget: Dairy Is Still Affordable

In Kindergarten, kids learn to identify one coin from another. But it’s much harder learning the value of those coins. Of course, the quarter is the holy grail of the piggy bank (or the couch cushion), but what can you really buy with a quarter

A glass of milk, that’s what! A glass of bone-building calcium. A glass of nine essential nutrients. An ice-cold glass of wholesome goodness!

Let’s Do The Math!

2 Ways to Take Action and Fight Hunger

Food is a basic need – an absolute necessity – for everyone. Even in America, the land of plenty, one in six people faces food insecurity every day and one in four children go to bed hungry. There are many Americans skipping meals or eating less than they should each day because there just isn’t enough to go around. This can be a senior citizen on a limited income, single parents trying to make ends meet, or families facing a financial emergency. Hunger can affect people from all walks of life.

5 Tips for Perfect Freezer Meals

It’s that time of year; I find myself dropping kids off at after-school activities, coming home late from work and trying to get a good meal on the table. The only way I can survive is by planning ahead. If that sounds familiar, and if the idea of having a freezer full of home-cooked meals is enticing to you, I have a few simple tricks to help stretch the meal and the budget at the same time.

Your Quick Guide to Whey Protein

What is Whey?

Whey is one of the two types of protein in milk – you’ll recognize it as the liquid in cottage cheese (remember Little Miss Muffet eating her curds and whey?). Whey is a high quality, complete protein, with all the essential amino acids your body needs. It’s also easy to digest and has a neutral taste—making the whey protein powder an easy addition to foods other than smoothies