
Healthy Foundation: Children’s Dairy Recommendations by Age

The early years of life are extremely important in a child’s overall growth and development – and adequate nutrition can help decrease the risk of nutritional deficiencies, illnesses and diseases now and for years to come. Additionally, good nutrition in the initial years can help kiddos develop healthy eating habits for a lifetime – which is why, as a mom of three and a registered dietitian nutritionist, I have always placed high value on the importance of child nutrition and getting my kids involved in the kitchen.

Real Dietitian Decodes the Hottest Diet Trends

We all wish there was a magic pill that would help us meet our health and wellness goals. And while those trendy diets your friends are sharing on social media may promise that quick fix you’ve always wanted, these diets often focus on the elimination of one or more food groups – a far cry from the overall healthy eating I strive to promote as a registered dietitian.  


5 Comfort Food Classics

Whether it’s a warm bowl of soup or creamy casserole, there’s something very comforting about enjoying a healthy helping of my family’s favorite familiar foods. While each of these classics speaks to me in a different way, what they have in common is the fact that I could truly enjoy them any day of the week, any time of year. Here’s a list of my top five comfort foods, all with dairy-friendly recipes you’ll be sure to love.

1) Slow Cooker Chili


Fuel Up to Play 60 and Children’s Hospital Encourage Healthy Snacking

Fuel Up to Play 60 (FUTP 60) student ambassadors at Marion Elementary in Allen, Texas, were busy in their kitchens this November creating delicious and nutritious snacks to share with peers. These students participated in the annual Medical City Children’s Hospital kids teaching kids® 21-Day Challenge, which encouraged kids and families across North Texas to create healthy snacking habits by eating more fruits and vegetables for 21 days.

6 Reasons Meal Planning Is Your Best New Year’s Resolution

Each winter, we reflect on our actions from the past year and consider personal resolutions for the one to come. Often, these resolutions include adopting healthier habits, such as eating more nutritious foods, exercising more or getting better sleep. While big, overarching goals are easy to identify, research shows that to successfully make change, we should set more specific goals


3 Steps to Fuel Your Body Like the Denver Broncos

While the gameday playbook might be full of winning strategies, a well-thought-out sports nutrition plan plays a key role, too. As a registered dietitian nutritionist and director of team nutrition for the Denver Broncos, I work to help the team maximize their performance through diet and nutrition. With the season in high gear, I wanted to give you a sneak peek at the Denver Broncos pre- and post-game nutrition plan.

Whey and Casein: All About the 2 Types of Protein in Dairy

Dairy is a nutritional powerhouse and a great source of high-quality protein. In fact, one glass of milk provides 8 grams of high-quality protein plus eight other essential nutrients, such as calcium, vitamin D and vitamin B12. Whey and casein are the two primary proteins found in milk, but what’s the difference between the two and how are they beneficial?

Check out this chart for the breakdown.

Whey – The Post-Workout Protein

Casein – The Bedtime Protein
