Sports Nutrition

Game Day Food: Pre-Game and Post-Game Nutrition

Nutrition plays a major role in an athlete’s success – especially a professional football player. To compete at the highest level in football, pro players maximize their diets with the guidance of their sports dietitian. And during the season, teams follow a nutrition game day plan – including pre- and post-game meals – to stay fueled and performing their best.

3 Steps to Fuel Your Body Like the Denver Broncos

While the gameday playbook might be full of winning strategies, a well-thought-out sports nutrition plan plays a key role, too. As a registered dietitian nutritionist and director of team nutrition for the Denver Broncos, I work to help the team maximize their performance through diet and nutrition. With the season in high gear, I wanted to give you a sneak peek at the Denver Broncos pre- and post-game nutrition plan.

From Making Plastic To Fighting Cavities: 25 Fun Facts About Dairy

It’s National Dairy Month, and we’re celebrating with some of our fave facts about dairy – including cool science experiments and life hacks!

1. It’s a beverage! It’s a science experiment! It’s both! While it’s best as a beverage, milk can also multitask as “plastic”. Just mix a cup of warm milk (zapped in the microwave for 90 seconds) with 4 tablespoons of vinegar. Stir for a few minutes, then strain and squeeze out the excess liquid. You’ll end up with a moldable “plastic” you can form into fun shapes that harden when it dries over a few days’ time!

DairyFit: At-Home Strength Training with Recycled Milk Jugs

Gym closed and no weights at home? You can upcycle your milk jugs to get a sustainable sweat session in your own living room. Almost any exercise done with dumbbells or kettlebells can use milk jugs as a replacement.

Here’s an example of a home workout focusing on all key areas: lower body, upper body, arms and abs.

Equipment Needed

Sports Nutrition for Teen Athletes

It’s important that teenage athletes ensure they’re eating a well-rounded and balanced diet. After all, nutrition is not only key for athletic performance, but proper nutrition promotes optimal growth – specifically in the peak years of adolescence. The nutrients in food provide the needed carbohydrates for working muscles; protein for growth, development and repair of muscles; and fats for energy, insulation and protection of organs.

Plays From the Dallas Cowboys' Nutritional Playbook

Curious about what pro football players eat to keep them fueled to perform all season long? The answers are simple nutritious meals that you and your family may already be enjoying. We took a few pages out of the Dallas Cowboys’ nutrition playbook to share with you. You may discover that you already are eating like a pro and didn’t even know it. Check out the nutritious meals and snacks below.

Meal Planning Tips

Get meal planning advice from Brittney Bearden, M.Ed., RDN, LD, CSSD. Bearden is a collegiate sports dietitian who helps improve athlete nutrition.

“Start every day with breakfast and eat every three to four hours,” advises Bearden. If you’re on the go for breakfast, try making overnight oats and taking them with you.

Get more tips in the video – and learn how to plan a week’s worth of lunch with just eight ingredients.