Fun and Games

Everything You Need for the Ultimate Ice Cream Social

We're all about celebrating all things dairy!

While most of the time, we recommend low-fat milk, cheese and yogurt for your three servings of dairy every day, it’s also OK to splurge every now and then.

Why not splurge on a huge ice cream social? Because if you’re going to go dessert-crazy, that dessert might as well have nine essential nutrients.

Start your party planning right here:

Play Our New LegenDairy Cow Game

Did you know that cows spend up to eight hours a day eating?

Did you know that cows make more milk when they listen to music?

They’re pretty interesting creatures. And now there’s a cool way to teach your kids a little more about them – and where that glass of milk comes from.

You may have seen the cool interactive LegenDairy Cow feature in our traveling Dairy Discovery Zone exhibit at your local rodeo or fair. If not, it’s your lucky day – now you and your kids can play it online!

5 Healthy Recipes Your Kids Will Enjoy Making

Getting your kids involved in the kitchen is a great way for the family to connect. While it may require extra time, cleanup and patience, the skills they’ll learn are worth the added effort. Kids as young as 2 can be a part of the fun, and their involvement may keep them interested in trying new, healthy foods. You can enlist your little chefs in cooking alongside you with these five healthy recipes.

Easy Food Experiment: Make Butter Lab with Your Kids

Sometimes, you just need something fun, but “educational,” for the kids to do, right? Why not throw in some science and history too, just for good measure. Boy, do I have the thing for you: Make butter!

But you know, “back then” as my kids say, people had to make their own butter. 

Making butter is a super fun science experiment (and super easy, shhh, don’t tell the other moms how easy this is) that takes very little prep and equipment, and THIS science project can be safely and happily eaten!