Fun and Games

Summertime Activities: Creative #DairyAmazing Crafts

Growing up, my favorite part of summer was going to camp. Every year I would look forward to playing in the river, sleeping outside, cooking over a fire and spending time at one of my favorite places, the craft cabin. For many kids, this summer is unlike any other – with summer camps canceled and regular activities – like going to the pool – much harder (or impossible) to do. And many parents, like myself, are looking for things for my kiddo to do.

From Making Plastic To Fighting Cavities: 25 Fun Facts About Dairy

It’s National Dairy Month, and we’re celebrating with some of our fave facts about dairy – including cool science experiments and life hacks!

1. It’s a beverage! It’s a science experiment! It’s both! While it’s best as a beverage, milk can also multitask as “plastic”. Just mix a cup of warm milk (zapped in the microwave for 90 seconds) with 4 tablespoons of vinegar. Stir for a few minutes, then strain and squeeze out the excess liquid. You’ll end up with a moldable “plastic” you can form into fun shapes that harden when it dries over a few days’ time!

Homemade Ice Cream (No Churn Needed)

Old-school homemade ice cream is always a crowd favorite and takes me back to summers spent with my family. But sometimes we don’t have time for the full process, and some of us might not own an ice cream maker or ice cream freezer. Most no-churn recipes you see online just involve sticking something in the freezer that ends up too dense and difficult to scoop. Good news – you can use a couple of zip-close bags to get light, creamy ice cream without the churn. It’s super simple, and you probably have most of the ingredients in your kitchen already. 

12 Kitchen Gifts for Dairy Lovers

The holidays are upon us, and if you are like me, you struggle to find the perfect gift for every person on your list. Good gift giving requires the perfect balance of thoughtfulness, creativity and practicality and can have you pondering on the perfect present for days. If you’ve got any kitchen-loving, dairy-eating friends and family, check out this list of 12 #DairyAmazing must-haves:

  1. For the Coffee Junkie: Milk Frother

Dairy Moments Sweepstakes

Share Summer Fun. Win Summer Fun

It’s National Dairy Month, and we’re celebrating all the great summer moments that pair perfectly with dairy – from family game night with pizza to wine and cheese with your gal pals; from a smoothie after your first marathon to a first date with a double-straw milkshake.

We’re giving away this awesome summer fun pack to a randomly selected fan who shares their favorite summer dairy moment.

Making Cheese at Home: 5-Minute Cheese Spread

Imagine this: It’s the holiday season, and you’ve just hosted a cheese pairing party (pat on the back to you!). Guests are gone and as you clean up, you realize you’re left with bits and pieces of the delicious cheese offerings your guests left behind. Good news! Instead of tossing them in the trash, you can actually save those delightful cheese morsels for a tasty, spreadable snack for later.