
Summertime Activities: Creative #DairyAmazing Crafts

Growing up, my favorite part of summer was going to camp. Every year I would look forward to playing in the river, sleeping outside, cooking over a fire and spending time at one of my favorite places, the craft cabin. For many kids, this summer is unlike any other – with summer camps canceled and regular activities – like going to the pool – much harder (or impossible) to do. And many parents, like myself, are looking for things for my kiddo to do.

From Making Plastic To Fighting Cavities: 25 Fun Facts About Dairy

It’s National Dairy Month, and we’re celebrating with some of our fave facts about dairy – including cool science experiments and life hacks!

1. It’s a beverage! It’s a science experiment! It’s both! While it’s best as a beverage, milk can also multitask as “plastic”. Just mix a cup of warm milk (zapped in the microwave for 90 seconds) with 4 tablespoons of vinegar. Stir for a few minutes, then strain and squeeze out the excess liquid. You’ll end up with a moldable “plastic” you can form into fun shapes that harden when it dries over a few days’ time!

12 Kitchen Gifts for Dairy Lovers

The holidays are upon us, and if you are like me, you struggle to find the perfect gift for every person on your list. Good gift giving requires the perfect balance of thoughtfulness, creativity and practicality and can have you pondering on the perfect present for days. If you’ve got any kitchen-loving, dairy-eating friends and family, check out this list of 12 #DairyAmazing must-haves:

  1. For the Coffee Junkie: Milk Frother

Yuma Children’s Academy Builds Milk Jug Igloo

Kids at Yuma Children’s Academy in Yuma, Colo. found a new way to enjoy dairy when the staff there built them a milk jug igloo. The academy goes through about 15 gallons of milk each week, so when someone had the idea of building an igloo out of recycled milk jugs, they decided to save up and try it.

“We saved every milk jug we used and even had family donations to help us out!” said Danielle Davisson, Director at the academy.

Everything You Need for the Ultimate Ice Cream Social

We're all about celebrating all things dairy!

While most of the time, we recommend low-fat milk, cheese and yogurt for your three servings of dairy every day, it’s also OK to splurge every now and then.

Why not splurge on a huge ice cream social? Because if you’re going to go dessert-crazy, that dessert might as well have nine essential nutrients.

Start your party planning right here:

Easy Food Experiment: Make Butter Lab with Your Kids

Sometimes, you just need something fun, but “educational,” for the kids to do, right? Why not throw in some science and history too, just for good measure. Boy, do I have the thing for you: Make butter!

But you know, “back then” as my kids say, people had to make their own butter. 

Making butter is a super fun science experiment (and super easy, shhh, don’t tell the other moms how easy this is) that takes very little prep and equipment, and THIS science project can be safely and happily eaten!

5 Cool Ways to Celebrate National Ice Cream Month

One of my favorite ways to beat the summer heat is with ice cream, and wouldn’t you know that July just happens to be National Ice Cream Month! What a treat!

When National Ice Cream Month was established in 1984, President Ronald Reagan himself said to observe these events with “appropriate ceremonies and activities.” With that said, I have compiled five ways you can celebrate National Ice Cream Month with your family and friends.