Sports Nutrition

Why (and How) to Refuel with Chocolate Milk

Being an athlete and performing at the highest level requires quality training and fuel. From peewees to the pros, all athletes are looking for the edge to compete at the highest level. Peak performance requires high octane fuel! And this fuel isn’t found in a pill, gel or a bar, but rather on a plate and in a glass. 

How to Stay Hydrated and Refuel This Summer

A Dietitian's Surprising Take on Flavored Milk

As a registered dietitian and an avid runner, chocolate milk is my refueling beverage of choice! Chocolate milk contains both protein to help repair and build muscles and carbohydrate to help refuel energy stores. A 2007 study in The American Journal of Clinical Nutrition reported that consuming milk-based protein immediately after exercise promoted building muscle. At the same time, consuming carbohydrate within 15 minutes after physical activity causes energy stores to increase by 300%.

5 Great Team Snacks for Your Little Leaguer

Spring is here, and that means it’s time for spring sports. How can you make your little leaguer an all-star? Fuel them with nutrient-rich foods, of course! Consider the typical post-game snack and see how it compares to chocolate milk and a piece of fruit:


8-Ounce Chocolate Milk and

1 Orange

20-Ounce Sports Drink and

Workout Fuel: Are You Hitting All Four Hydration Points?

Even in the fall, Texas weather is known for two things: heat and sweat! That means Texas athletes need a special focus on hydration. Losing 2% of body weight through sweat and activity can cause a 10% decrease in performance. 

But hydrating during a workout isn’t enough; there are actually four points for staying fueled before and after that practice or game. From my TCU college athletes to the Dallas Cowboys, we make sure to hit all four points with low-calorie beverages like water and nutrient-rich beverages like low-fat chocolate milk.