
Sneaking Vegetables Into Your Daily Diet

While veggies may not be regularly enjoyed by most of us – per the Dietary Guidelines for Americans, 9 out of 10 Americans are not meeting the vegetable food group recommendation – they really should be. Vegetables are such an important part of a healthy meal plan because they are full of fiber (good for digestion), rich in vitamins and minerals and high in water content (helping with hydration).

Shelf-Stable (Aseptic) Milk: Everything You Need to Know

Have you seen milk on shelves that is not being refrigerated? Or heard that some of the milk you can buy in the dairy case does not have to stay in the fridge until after you open it? Wondering what makes this possible? We reached out to several team members and checked the Tetra Pak website to get you answers about aseptic milk, so you can enjoy the convenience this modern processing method offers.

Hard Workout? Recover w/ Chocolate Milk

Whether it was a tough workout or race day, get recovery advice from Nancy M. DiMarco, Ph.D., RDN, CSSD, FACSM.

“Chocolate milk is a wonderful rehydration beverage because it’s nature’s rehydration beverage,” says DiMarco.

Get all the info on why chocolate milk might be the best choice for your post-workout recovery and learn when and how to refuel with chocolate milk.

Austin Chef Uses Leftover Whey to Enhance Other Dishes

When Chef Fermín Núñez of Suerte – a Mexican-inspired, East Austin restaurant – started making his own cheese, he realized he was throwing away a good amount of liquid whey as a result. As part of his effort to reduce his restaurant’s food waste, he decided to try using the whey and created a whey-braised pork dish.

“Whey is great to use because it has a tasty salty flavor that adds another layer of flavor to the dish,” Fermín explained.

5 Fit and Fun Road Trip Meals

In our house, summer means one thing – road trips! There’s nothing better than packing the car with all of things (kids, anyone?), picking our favorite tunes, and hitting the open road. But when it comes to good nutrition while away from home, it can often seem like an impossible task to eat healthy. Although traveling is an easy excuse to overindulge, it does not have to derail your health and wellness goals. With a little planning and a well-stocked cooler, eating healthy on the road is totally doable!

Your Post-Exercise Game Plan - White or Chocolate Milk

As an athlete, you’ve likely heard the phrase “refuel with chocolate milk.” Maybe you’re one of those athletes who grabs that ice-cold glass of chocolate milk after a strenuous workout. But perhaps you’re asking, “What about white milk?”

Learn how the two compare nutritionally, and when and how you can enjoy them while seeing the nutritional benefits.

Do Adults Need to Drink Milk?

As children, we are encouraged to drink milk so we can “grow up big and strong.” But what happens to our desire to drink milk when we’re all grown up? While most adults recognize the nutritional value of milk and dairy foods when it comes to calcium and bone health benefits, fewer of us make milk the mealtime choice. So, where’s the disconnect? And should we, as adults, still drink milk?