
Meal Planning Made Easy for Student Athletes

Proper and consistent fueling is important for high performance, as an athlete and as a student. Every meal is an opportunity to provide the energy and nutrients your body needs, plus it gives you an edge over athletes who don’t focus on nutrition.

Eat a Balanced Diet.

Incorporate dairy, whole grains, lean proteins, fruits, veggies, and healthy fats into your daily diet to ensure proper fueling and recovery.

How to Eat Healthy for $4 a Day

Feeling the pinch at the grocery store lately?  Are you reevaluating what you place in your cart?  Food costs are on the rise and all of us could benefit from shopping a little smarter.  Revising your list doesn’t mean ditching those good-for-you foods.  There are plenty of ways to ensure that you are eating healthy on a budget.  Follow our few simple tips to keep you and your bank account well nourished. 

The 2015 Dietary Guidelines: What You Need to Know

Improve what you eat and focus on being active: Two simple ideas from the latest edition of the Dietary Guidelines for Americans, the science-based advice that helps all of us make choices that add up to better nutrition and lifelong well-being. As a mom and a pediatrician, I know that good nutrition begins with a commitment to healthier choices.

Healthy in a DASH: Meal Prep for Heart Health

Dairy is a key element of the Dietary Approaches to Stop Hypertension (DASH) Eating Plan. Focused on preventing and reducing blood pressure, DASH delivers the potassium, calcium, magnesium, fiber, and protein your body needs to fight heart disease through good-for-you foods. DASH also helps many people manage their weight – and it always tops the list of Best Diets Overall by U.S. News & World Reports.

A Mouthwatering Summer Meal Plan - with Recipes!

Sweet summer time!

Summer is the perfect time to focus on nutrient-rich foods like low-fat dairy, fruits, vegetables and whole grains. Think about all that fresh produce right at your fingertips ... juicy berries, tart tomatoes, crisp cucumbers. Then you pair that with refreshing milk in a berry smoothie, cheese in a caprese salad or top a cucumber salad with yogurt and you notch up the nutrition just a kick. Even better, all of these are easy to make, easy on-the-go and easy on the taste buds!

Here's what I love to munch on in summer.


9 Ways to Fight Diabetes with Dairy

Type 2 diabetes affects nearly 34 million American adults, accounting for nearly 95% of all diagnosed cases of diabetes. As of 2018, more than 10.5% of the American population had diabetes. Total direct medical cost of diagnosed diabetes in the United States was $237 billion.

But not all news is bad on the diabetes research front. Several recent studies indicate that eating and drinking more dairy may lower your risk of type 2 diabetes.