Adrian Castresana

Adrian Castresana has more than 15 years of experience in consumer engagement, working for firms including The Marketing Arm and GMR Marketing. As a child athlete growing up, dairy and more specifically milk, was a huge part of his daily diet and today as a parent of two young children, Adrian incorporates dairy into the family's daily diet. He joined Dairy MAX in 2019, excited to merge his work background with his personal dietary choices, to spearhead engaging experiences that connect consumers with the dairy they eat and the farmers who produce it.

5 Ways Milk Can Help Boost Your Immune System

Our immune systems can help protect us from getting sick – and promote healing when we are sick. But they need quality fuel to work properly. Milk is a staple food many of us already have in our fridges as a handy ingredient in coffee, smoothies, baking and so much more, as well as a drink by itself. It’s also something dietitians refer to as “nutrient dense,” meaning it gives you a lot of nutrients for relatively few calories.

Minimizing Holiday Food Waste: A Dairy-Inclusive Guide

The holiday season is synonymous with indulgent feasts and delightful gatherings. However, it's also a time when food waste tends to skyrocket. Every calendar year in the United States alone, an estimated 30%-40% of the food supply is wasted, which equates to roughly 119 billion pounds of food. During the holidays, this issue is intensified because we tend to prepare too much food for our loved ones to enjoy.

5 Surprising Things You Should Know About School Meals

Today’s schools are embracing food trends like sustainability, farm-to-table and scratch-cooking to meet the growing demands of Gen Z foodie-approved meals and snacks. On top of that, the nutrition found in a school meal is often better quality and more well-rounded than a typical meal from your favorite restaurant. Surprised? Keep reading for more ways schools are serving up Ws.

Rexanna deGruy, Ph.D.

Rexanna deGruy grew up raising chickens and Brahman cattle commercially, with a farming father and an agricultural-science teaching mother. Fascinated by the chance to communicate with people from all walks of life, she pursued a Bachelor and Master of Science in agricultural communications from Texas A&M and Texas Tech University, respectively, then earned her Doctor of Philosophy in AEEE (agricultural and extension education and evaluation) from Louisiana State University.