Smoking Cheese: An Easy Guide for Beginners

In our house, summer is barbecue season. And while we enjoy the traditional method of grilling, our smoker has become a great addition to the summertime lineup. Beef, chicken, pork and fish are all challenging to master and delicious in their own way, but this summer I wanted to try smoking something a bit more technical: Cheese. Here’s how I got it done – with a step-by-step guide so you can try it yourself!


Pick Your Method and Gather Materials

Blake Romney

Blake Romney was looking for the opportunity to promote a message he was passionate about, so he joined Dairy MAX in 2020 – finding the proud, Americana story of dairy farmers and sustainability to be well worth telling. He brings more than 10 years of experience in digital strategy and production, including five years in the food and beverage industry.

Dairy Up Close: New Dairy MAX Docu-Series

Only 2% of the population grows the food for the other 98% of us, leaving many of us to wonder how our food is produced, and who is behind it?

June is National Dairy Month, and what better way to celebrate than getting up close to some real dairy farm families? Dairy MAX is launching a new mini-documentary series that follows the lives and stories of five local dairy farm families. The series showcases the real-life challenges dairy farmers face, with an inside look at how they care for their cows and protect the environment. 

Healthy Foundation: Children’s Dairy Recommendations by Age

The early years of life are extremely important in a child’s overall growth and development – and adequate nutrition can help decrease the risk of nutritional deficiencies, illnesses and diseases now and for years to come. Additionally, good nutrition in the initial years can help kiddos develop healthy eating habits for a lifetime – which is why, as a mom of three and a registered dietitian nutritionist, I have always placed high value on the importance of child nutrition and getting my kids involved in the kitchen.

Elan Carmichael

Elan has more than 10 years of marketing communications experience for companies including Capital One, Chick-fil-A and L’Oréal, as well as the McDonald’s account while at Moroch. After living in New York and Washington, D.C., and studying in Mexico and the Dominican Republic, Elan is excited to be back in her native Dallas to jump into the dairy world. She and her husband, Corey, have two daughters.

Real Dietitian Decodes the Hottest Diet Trends

We all wish there was a magic pill that would help us meet our health and wellness goals. And while those trendy diets your friends are sharing on social media may promise that quick fix you’ve always wanted, these diets often focus on the elimination of one or more food groups – a far cry from the overall healthy eating I strive to promote as a registered dietitian.  


5 Comfort Food Classics

Whether it’s a warm bowl of soup or creamy casserole, there’s something very comforting about enjoying a healthy helping of my family’s favorite familiar foods. While each of these classics speaks to me in a different way, what they have in common is the fact that I could truly enjoy them any day of the week, any time of year. Here’s a list of my top five comfort foods, all with dairy-friendly recipes you’ll be sure to love.

1) Slow Cooker Chili
