The Importance of School Breakfast

One of the most important factors in a child’s development and success is nutrition. Unfortunately, many students start their day without the essential fuel needed for them to thrive. The availability of a healthy breakfast each day poses an obstacle for too many families. Fortunately, the School Breakfast Program fills this void for millions of children each school day.

Does your child go to a JeffCo public school?

See Jefferson County programs

Sara Rose Foreman, RDN

Sara Rose has worked with school districts, food service and more in the Colorado Departments of Education and of Public Health and Environment. She oversaw the development of USDA’s Child Nutrition Programs, administered the Fresh Fruit and Vegetable Program across 145 schools, and even taught nutrition in a small village in Ghana, Africa. A Registered Dietitian Nutritionist, Sara Rose also holds a Bachelor of Science in culinary nutrition and an Associate of Science in culinary arts from Johnson & Wales University in Denver.

Healthier Coffee Options Bring More Dairy to High Schools

What’s All the Buzz?

Today’s high school students can often be found hanging out at their local coffee shop, so why not bring a healthier coffee option to our students? By bringing their favorite beverages to schools, we can encourage students to stay on campus with their friends while offering a tasty and healthier option for them to enjoy. Read on to learn more!

What Are the Health Benefits of Coffee?

While some may have worries about coffee beverages, mainly due to the added ingredients, the coffee bean itself is quite a nutrient powerhouse.


5 Cookbooks to Get the Whole Family Cooking

Whether you’re in the kitchen or at the grill, there’s a recipe that needs to be followed. But those recipes sure do get old fast. Before long, your family has grown tired of the same old, same old.

As we head toward the new year, what better time is there to recommend five new cookbooks that can get the whole family excited about the age-old question: what’s for dinner?


Sarah Bauman

After growing up a fifth-generation cattle rancher, she earned a Bachelor of Science in human development from Texas Tech University and became a certified community and economic developer and, more recently, 2021 Leadership Women graduate. Today, she stays active on the advisory board for the Northwest Texas Small Business Development Center and as a member of the IU chapter of the Philanthropic Educational Organization. She and her husband, Josh, are raising a sixth generation of cattle ranchers in their three sons in Hamilton, Texas.

Matthew Winterholler

A 4-H and FFA alum, Matthew Winterholler holds an associate degree in animal science from Casper College in Wyoming and a bachelor’s degree in agricultural communications from Texas Tech University. After six years working in checkoff-related organizations, Matthew landed at Dairy MAX as a communicator inside the Business Development department.

Julie Stefko

Julie Stefko finds Dairy MAX to be the perfect intersection of two lifelong passions, from her childhood in a rural community – where she developed a deep appreciation for famers – to her 20-year career in youth physical activity and wellness.