
Justin Simmons on Why Breakfast Matters

Denver Broncos safety Justin Simmons knows the importance of breakfast – he even credits eating breakfast every day for his success!

“Want to know my secret to success? It’s pretty simple: I eat breakfast. I fuel up in the morning with foods full of dairy, whole grains, protein and fruit,” Justin says.

Fueling up with the right foods is important for every NFL player, and breakfast is a big part of what they do to stay healthy. Justin says breakfast keeps him fast, sharp and strong – so be sure you enjoy breakfast every day, at home or at school!

St. Vrain Valley School District Highlights the Importance of School Breakfast

Mornings are always hectic and making sure everyone in the house is dressed and fueled for the day, with a healthy and nutritious breakfast, can be a challenge! School breakfast provides a solution to help make mornings a little less hectic, while meeting high nutrition standards and improving students’ learning experiences.

Simplify Your Smoothies: 6 Recipes You Can Prep Overnight

Smoothies are a wonderful breakfast option for busy families on the go. Time can be scarce if you have a busy morning schedule where you not only have to get yourself up and ready for the day, but perhaps several kids and a spouse to get out the door as well! Smoothies can take some prep work, but the good news is you can do this ahead of time to cut minutes from your morning smoothie routine!