
Real Dietitian Decodes the Hottest Diet Trends

We all wish there was a magic pill that would help us meet our health and wellness goals. And while those trendy diets your friends are sharing on social media may promise that quick fix you’ve always wanted, these diets often focus on the elimination of one or more food groups – a far cry from the overall healthy eating I strive to promote as a registered dietitian.  


Tiffany Derry’s Pan-Roasted Salmon and Couscous Salad

Did you know 4 out of the 5 top causes of death are preventable? Healthy eating habits play an important role in preventing disease, and those habits start in your kitchen!

Now more than ever, families are finding themselves in the kitchen – cooking and eating more at home. We hope this trend helps families learn new culinary skills, try new recipes that feature a well-balanced approach to eating, and enjoy three servings of dairy every day.

Talking Takeout: 5 Tips for Healthier Fast Food

I mostly opt to cook at home, but I do enjoy going out to eat on occasion. After all, eating out or opting for takeout not only helps support local businesses in your community, but also adds some nice variety to your diet. 

You can get a break from cooking at home while maintaining a balanced diet if you use MyPlate as your guide and try these healthier fast food tips.

Meal Planning Made Easier: 4 Tips From a Busy Mom

Let’s get real about meal planning for busy families.

“Mom guilt” is a phrase I hear from other moms. I can definitely relate because I sometimes feel the guilt, too. With packed schedules, it can be hard to find time to provide healthy and quality meals for your family. But, from one busy mom to another, these four timesaving tips can help you turn your grocery list into family favorites that can be prepared in less time than you think.

A Dash of Dairy: Easy Ways to Add Nutrition and Flavor

Dairy is a key piece of MyPlate, giving you essential nutrients to keep you healthy now and in the future. Adding dairy to your plate not only adds great health benefits but also adds tons of flavor to almost any dish! From drinks and desserts to snacks and entrees, let’s explore some of the nutritious and delicious perks of adding a dash of dairy.

Meal Planning Tips

Get meal planning advice from Brittney Bearden, M.Ed., RDN, LD, CSSD. Bearden is a collegiate sports dietitian who helps improve athlete nutrition.

“Start every day with breakfast and eat every three to four hours,” advises Bearden. If you’re on the go for breakfast, try making overnight oats and taking them with you.

Get more tips in the video – and learn how to plan a week’s worth of lunch with just eight ingredients.


Sneaking Vegetables Into Your Daily Diet

While veggies may not be regularly enjoyed by most of us – per the Dietary Guidelines for Americans, 9 out of 10 Americans are not meeting the vegetable food group recommendation – they really should be. Vegetables are such an important part of a healthy meal plan because they are full of fiber (good for digestion), rich in vitamins and minerals and high in water content (helping with hydration).

Flavored Milk and MyPlate: a Nutritious Duo

Between sports practice, music lessons, homework and carpools it can be difficult for busy moms to ensure their kids are eating balanced meals. Since 2011, MyPlate has served as an easy-to-follow guide for creating nutrient-rich meals that fuel healthy lifestyles. However, as any mom knows, a balanced meal doesn’t do any good unless kids want to consume it. The great news is recent research shows that the longtime kid favorite, flavored milk, fits perfectly into the MyPlate lifestyle.

The Ketogenic Diet: What You Need to Know

When it comes to resolutions, the new year is an exciting time – especially in regard to our health. Through a balanced eating pattern, there are endless ways to achieve our wellness goals. But there are also endless voices promoting the perceived benefits of diets that embrace some foods and limit (or eliminate) others. As many of us focus on our goal to eat healthier, trendy diets may seem more enticing than developing lifelong, healthful eating habits. One diet that continues to gain a following is the ketogenic diet.