
Hard Workout? Recover w/ Chocolate Milk

Whether it was a tough workout or race day, get recovery advice from Nancy M. DiMarco, Ph.D., RDN, CSSD, FACSM.

“Chocolate milk is a wonderful rehydration beverage because it’s nature’s rehydration beverage,” says DiMarco.

Get all the info on why chocolate milk might be the best choice for your post-workout recovery and learn when and how to refuel with chocolate milk.

5 Fit and Fun Road Trip Meals

In our house, summer means one thing – road trips! There’s nothing better than packing the car with all of things (kids, anyone?), picking our favorite tunes, and hitting the open road. But when it comes to good nutrition while away from home, it can often seem like an impossible task to eat healthy. Although traveling is an easy excuse to overindulge, it does not have to derail your health and wellness goals. With a little planning and a well-stocked cooler, eating healthy on the road is totally doable!

Your Post-Exercise Game Plan - White or Chocolate Milk

As an athlete, you’ve likely heard the phrase “refuel with chocolate milk.” Maybe you’re one of those athletes who grabs that ice-cold glass of chocolate milk after a strenuous workout. But perhaps you’re asking, “What about white milk?”

Learn how the two compare nutritionally, and when and how you can enjoy them while seeing the nutritional benefits.

Do Adults Need to Drink Milk?

As children, we are encouraged to drink milk so we can “grow up big and strong.” But what happens to our desire to drink milk when we’re all grown up? While most adults recognize the nutritional value of milk and dairy foods when it comes to calcium and bone health benefits, fewer of us make milk the mealtime choice. So, where’s the disconnect? And should we, as adults, still drink milk?

Flavored Milk in Schools: 3 Things You Should Know

Low-fat chocolate milk is back! Recently, the U.S. Department of Agriculture announced that schools can now serve low-fat (1%) flavored milk in school lunches, breakfast and snack programs. Now, school meal programs have a greater opportunity to provide the nutrition students need in a choice they want.

You may be wondering if low-fat chocolate milk is a smart choice for your child’s school meal. Here are the three things you should know: