Sports Nutrition

Nutrition’s Role in Injury Prevention for Athletes

Every season we see athletes spending more time in the gym or on the field pushing to improve their skills. But we hear less about their efforts to fuel up their bodies before and after those tough workouts – even though diet makes a difference in athletic performance and muscle health. Perhaps, the most overlooked hinderance to success and contributor to injuries is a lack of proper nutrition.

Whey Protein – Do You Need it?

Learn all about whey protein and why it is the best choice for athletes in this video from sports dietitian Tara Boening, M.S., RDN, CSSD, LD.

Boening explains that though it is always best to get your protein from food, like dairy, you can also choose a whey protein powder that is 100% whey protein isolate. She also explains that most people who are lactose intolerant can tolerate whey protein, which contains a very small amount of lactose.

Hard Workout? Recover w/ Chocolate Milk

Whether it was a tough workout or race day, get recovery advice from Nancy M. DiMarco, Ph.D., RDN, CSSD, FACSM.

“Chocolate milk is a wonderful rehydration beverage because it’s nature’s rehydration beverage,” says DiMarco.

Get all the info on why chocolate milk might be the best choice for your post-workout recovery and learn when and how to refuel with chocolate milk.

Your Post-Exercise Game Plan - White or Chocolate Milk

As an athlete, you’ve likely heard the phrase “refuel with chocolate milk.” Maybe you’re one of those athletes who grabs that ice-cold glass of chocolate milk after a strenuous workout. But perhaps you’re asking, “What about white milk?”

Learn how the two compare nutritionally, and when and how you can enjoy them while seeing the nutritional benefits.

Justin Simmons on Why Breakfast Matters

Denver Broncos safety Justin Simmons knows the importance of breakfast – he even credits eating breakfast every day for his success!

“Want to know my secret to success? It’s pretty simple: I eat breakfast. I fuel up in the morning with foods full of dairy, whole grains, protein and fruit,” Justin says.

Fueling up with the right foods is important for every NFL player, and breakfast is a big part of what they do to stay healthy. Justin says breakfast keeps him fast, sharp and strong – so be sure you enjoy breakfast every day, at home or at school!