Tanya Dillon, MPH, RDN, LD

In addition to being an Army veteran and a registered and licensed dietitian, Tanya holds a Bachelor of Arts in psychology and a Master of Public Health in community health education. She jumped into her nutrition career with Aramark and UPMC (University of Pittsburgh Medical Center), in positions including clinical dietitian and administrative director for UPMC’s Diabetes Center of Excellence.

Vitamin D: Dairy’s Immune Boosting Nutrient

If you watch the news or scroll through your social feeds, you’ve likely noticed how easy it is to get lost in conflicting nutrition recommendations or overwhelmed by the latest wave of popular vitamin and supplement trends. It can be difficult to know if you’re meeting your body’s needs through food, and if not, which nutrients you should take as supplements. And there is one vitamin in particular that has gotten a lot of attention during the pandemic – vitamin D. 


Fuel Up to Play 60 and Children’s Hospital Encourage Healthy Snacking

Fuel Up to Play 60 (FUTP 60) student ambassadors at Marion Elementary in Allen, Texas, were busy in their kitchens this November creating delicious and nutritious snacks to share with peers. These students participated in the annual Medical City Children’s Hospital kids teaching kids® 21-Day Challenge, which encouraged kids and families across North Texas to create healthy snacking habits by eating more fruits and vegetables for 21 days.

6 Reasons Meal Planning Is Your Best New Year’s Resolution

Each winter, we reflect on our actions from the past year and consider personal resolutions for the one to come. Often, these resolutions include adopting healthier habits, such as eating more nutritious foods, exercising more or getting better sleep. While big, overarching goals are easy to identify, research shows that to successfully make change, we should set more specific goals


5 Festive Hot Chocolates for the Holidays

Ah, the holidays – time spent with family, cozying up under the blankets, watching classic movies, and indulging in decadent food and drinks. Nothing reminds me of the holidays more than hot chocolate. While this seasonal staple is always sure to please, hot chocolate is also very versatile and a great foundation to get creative.

Here are five unique, must-try versions to get you in the holiday spirit.

Legacy Farms

The Bouma family named their dairy farm after the legacy that has been in their family for generations, and one they hope to continue passing on.

Brad and Barb Bouma both have a deep family history of dairy farming that goes back four generations in the Netherlands.

“The dairy is our family legacy,” Brad said. “Not just ours, but our grandfathers’ and great-grandfathers’ tracing all the way back to the Netherlands. The fact we are able to carry this on is a privilege.